Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thursday night workout

Thursday I decided it was time to take a break from the yoga and get in a good hard cross-training session at the gym. I need to get more running in, but after the treadmill wall I hit on Tuesday, I thought cross training would be a better option.

The gym is generally difficult to navigate in the month of January. Lots of people join to try and fulfill their New Years resolutions; lots of people are involved in various weight loss contests that coincide with these resolutions. All of this leads to the same number of machines and a much higher number of people. So Thursday night's workout was kind of disjointed and all over the place because several machines had broken down and the machines I wanted to use weren't open when I wanted to use them.

So here's what was in the mix on Thursday night:
  • Treadmill: 2 miles @ 1.0 incline, 8.0 speed
  • Rowing machine: 5 minutes of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off
  • Step-Mill: 20 minutes at level 10, 10 minutes at level 5
  • Rowing machine: 3 minutes of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off
Ideally I would've done the rowing portion all together, but I had to jump as soon as the step-mill opened up; otherwise I would've never gotten it!

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