Today I was definitely in need of a bit of relaxation - a way to destress without taxing myself too much before the crazy week ahead. I was contemplating going for a half-effort run when an email from my yoga studio arrived in my inbox saying that there were plenty of spots left in a Restorative Yoga class starting tonight at 5:30. Just what I needed!
I love Restorative Yoga because I feel stretched out afterwards, but not exhausted and hot and sweaty like so many other types of yoga classes. It truly is the yoga alternative to massage. You won't get a workout - it's no substitute there - but it's great for those days that you're taking off from training completely. We did supported Hero Pose, held some looooong supported Pigeon Poses, and of course had an excellent relaxing Savasana to finish out the class. It's amazing what the addition of a bolster or block can do to help you get deeper into a pose and really feel an awesome stretch.
Spokane was lucky enough to have a visit from the famed Judith Lasater in late 2009, considered by most to be the Mother of Restorative Yoga. If you ever ever ever have the chance to take a Restorative class from her you should jump at it because you won't be sorry! I also highly recommend that those interested in Restorative Yoga check out her books and writings on Restorative Yoga because they have some great ideas for poses, many of which can be done at home with regular household items.
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