I was a cranky-pants this entire week, and it didn't occur to me until Thursday or Friday that I hadn't really exercised in over 2 weeks. Sure, I went to yoga school last Sunday, but it ended up being a lot more lecture than physical movement (which, let's be honest, was kind of nice for once!). So starting this week, with just barely 80 days until the wedding and less than 100 days until my first marathon ever, I've decided to rededicate my free time to training and exercise.
Last night I had yoga school for 3 hours - the first two were taken up by a lively and interesting discussion of ethics in the yoga "business", which was fun, but involved a LOT of sitting. The last hour was a pretty restful practice that involved a lot of holding poses - like child's pose and pigeon, as well as a long savasana. It was a good way to ease back into exercise mode and stretch out my muscles a bit.
This morning I went more for the kick-start approach and got my butt to the gym by 8. It was markedly less crowded than the last time I was there on a Saturday - I guess it really is true that the January rush of people with resolutions only lasts a month. It was nice having my pick of machines for the first time in a while. I arrived at 8am and left shortly before 10am, and while I was there I got in 20 minutes on the treadmill (2 miles at 1.0 incline, 6.5 pace, with a .25 walk afterwards), 20 minutes on the step-mill at level 10, and 45 minutes of yoga (I wanted to stay for the whole thing, but only had half an hour on the meter... oops!). It was nice to be back in the gym, getting sweaty and doing what I do best.
Tomorrow is a day full of yoga school again, and afterwards I'll be watching the Superbowl like everyone else! It's been a busy weekend, but I can definitely tell how much better a little exercise has made me feel about things.